Alone Yet Alive: Tips to stay awake in a New City

Adwitiya Koley
3 min readMar 1, 2024


Hey, I'm Adwitiya, and let me share with you the tale of how I embarked on my graduation year, a thousand miles away from the warmth of home. It was a journey that wove threads of emotions, practicality, and a newfound sense of independence.

As the leaves began to whisper autumn's arrival, I found myself standing at the threshold of a new chapter—my first year of college. But there was a unique twist to this story; this chapter unfolded in a city far removed from the familiar embrace of home. The excitement of academic pursuits mingled with the uncertainty of navigating life on my own.

The day I bid farewell to my family was a symphony of mixed emotions. Hugs lingered a little longer, and tears glistened in the corners of familiar eyes. My heart echoed with both excitement and a subtle ache, a natural response to stepping into the unknown.

Practicality became my companion as I unpacked in a room that would be my sanctuary for the upcoming year. The echoes of my mother's cooking were replaced by the hum of a shared kitchen, and the comforting chatter of siblings was traded for the new cadence of friendships yet to be formed. Alone, yet surrounded by the buzz of unfamiliar voices, I realized that independence often wears the cloak of practical adjustments.

Classes commenced, and the academic challenges were met with a newfound determination. The lecture halls became my intellectual playground, and the library, my sanctuary. Yet, in the quiet moments between classes, nostalgia would gently tap on my shoulder, reminding me of the laughter that once filled the walls of my childhood home.

Weekends unfolded as a quest for solace in a bustling city that had yet to become my own. Exploring neighborhoods, stumbling upon hidden cafes, and navigating public transport became the adventures that filled the void left by the absence of familiar landscapes.

But amid the practicality of schedules and routines, emotions continued to dance beneath the surface. Loneliness, like an uninvited guest, would occasionally settle in the corners of my solitude. Late-night calls with family and old friends became lifelines, connecting me to the warmth of familiarity in the midst of newfound independence.

As the seasons changed, so did I. Independence wasn't just about mastering the art of laundry or budgeting; it was a journey of self-discovery. I learned to navigate my own emotional landscape, to find strength in vulnerability, and to appreciate the beauty of solitude.

Friendships blossomed like wildflowers in the unlikeliest of places. Shared laughter echoed in hallways, and late-night study sessions transformed into moments of camaraderie. The practicality of independence morphed into a tapestry of emotional connections and shared experiences.

Gradually, the city that initially felt like an unfamiliar backdrop became a canvas on which I painted my stories. Each corner held memories, each street sign became a familiar guide, and the once-daunting public transport system transformed into a lifeline connecting me to my newfound world.

As the year unfolded, I realized that the ache in my heart, the tinge of homesickness, and the triumphs of overcoming challenges were all integral parts of the intricate dance of independence. I wasn't just surviving; I was thriving, evolving, and crafting a narrative that intertwined the practicalities of life with the richness of emotional experiences.

So, here I stand at the culmination of my first year away from home—emotionally richer, practically wiser, and infinitely more independent. The ache in my heart transformed into a melody of growth, and the city that once felt foreign became a chapter in the story of my becoming.



Adwitiya Koley

Somatics, inner self healing, spirituality, ADHD, Psychology . Helping you with holistic healing. Follow my blogs to learn how to start your spiritual journey