Earn on Medium: Your Authentic Voice, Your Earnings Journey

Adwitiya Koley
3 min readMar 4, 2024


In the vast landscape of online content creation, Medium stands out as a platform that welcomes diverse voices and perspectives. While many contributors are professional writers, there exists a significant space for individuals who may not consider themselves professionals but still wish to share their thoughts and potentially earn on the platform. Here's a detailed exploration of how to start earning on Medium without being a professional content writer:

1. Finding Your Niche:
- Medium caters to a broad array of topics. Identify your passions, interests, or unique experiences that you can share. This could range from personal development and lifestyle to niche hobbies or specific knowledge areas.

2. Crafting Compelling Stories:
- You don’t need to be a professional writer to tell engaging stories. Be authentic, share personal anecdotes, and convey your thoughts in a conversational tone. Connect with readers on a human level.

3. Utilizing Medium’s Partner Program:
- Join Medium’s Partner Program, which allows writers to earn money based on the engagement their stories receive. Readers can become paying members, and a portion of their subscription fee goes to the writers they engage with.

4. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity:
- While consistency is essential, prioritize quality over quantity. A well-written, thought-provoking story is more likely to gain traction and attract paying readers.

5. Engaging with Readers:
- Respond to comments on your stories, participate in discussions, and build a community around your writing. Engaging with your readers can increase your visibility and contribute to your earnings.

6. Building a Following:
- Grow your Medium followers by sharing your stories on social media, participating in Medium publications, and collaborating with other writers. A dedicated following can enhance your reach and potential earnings.

7. Exploring Different Story Formats:
- Experiment with various story formats, including essays, listicles, personal reflections, and how-to guides. Diversifying your content can attract a broader audience.

8. Leveraging Curation:
- Strive to get your stories curated by Medium publications. Curation increases visibility, exposing your work to a larger audience and potentially leading to more earnings.

9. Tapping into Your Expertise:
- Even if you don’t consider yourself a professional, you likely possess unique experiences or knowledge. Share insights, lessons learned, or practical tips based on your expertise.

10. Incorporating Visuals:
- Enhance your stories with images, graphics, or multimedia elements. Visual appeal can make your stories more engaging and shareable.

11. Experimenting with Story Titles:
- Craft attention-grabbing titles. A compelling title can significantly impact the discoverability of your story on Medium.

12. Stay Informed About Medium Updates:
- Keep abreast of Medium’s features, updates, and changes to optimize your content accordingly. Understanding the platform can contribute to your overall success.

In essence, Medium provides a space for authentic voices, irrespective of professional writing backgrounds. By embracing your uniqueness, sharing compelling stories, and actively engaging with your audience, you can unlock the potential to earn on Medium while enjoying the journey of self-expression. It's not just about being a professional; it's about being you and finding your place in the diverse landscape of Medium's vibrant community.



Adwitiya Koley

Somatics, inner self healing, spirituality, ADHD, Psychology . Helping you with holistic healing. Follow my blogs to learn how to start your spiritual journey