Adwitiya Koley
3 min readMar 1, 2024

How we should treat our subconscious mind ?

In the intricate realm of our minds, a silent conversation unfolds daily—an exchange between the conscious and subconscious. The conscious mind, with its rationality and awareness, often takes center stage, steering our thoughts and actions. Yet, beneath the surface lies the powerhouse of our beliefs, memories, and emotions—the subconscious mind. Understanding and influencing this dynamic relationship is key to unlocking our full potential.

Our conscious mind acts as the vigilant gatekeeper, filtering information, making decisions, and orchestrating our daily lives. It is the realm of logic, reason, and deliberate thought. However, it merely skims the surface of our cognitive iceberg, as beneath lies the vast and largely uncharted territory of the subconscious.

The subconscious mind is akin to a reservoir, storing everything we've ever experienced, felt, or believed, even the aspects we may not consciously remember. It is the keeper of our deepest fears, insecurities, and, conversely, our untapped strengths. Remarkably, it doesn't distinguish between reality and imagination, absorbing every thought and emotion fed into its depths.

So, how do we treat this intricate relationship between the conscious and subconscious realms? The conscious mind acts as the sculptor, shaping the subconscious landscape through the thoughts, beliefs, and affirmations we choose to focus on. Here's a closer look at the tools we employ in this transformative process:

**1. Awareness and Mindfulness:**
- The conscious mind, armed with awareness, can choose to be present in the moment. Mindfulness practices enable us to observe our thoughts without immediate judgment, creating a bridge between the conscious and subconscious.

**2. Positive Affirmations:**
- By consciously selecting positive affirmations, we direct the subconscious toward constructive beliefs. Repetition of affirmations reinforces positive thought patterns, influencing the subconscious to align with empowering perspectives.

**3. Visualization:**
- Visualization is a powerful tool that engages the conscious mind to paint vivid images of desired outcomes. As the conscious mind vividly envisions success, the subconscious absorbs these images, influencing behavior and fostering confidence.

**4. Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs:**
- Identifying and challenging limiting beliefs requires conscious effort. By questioning and reframing negative thought patterns, we guide the subconscious toward a more optimistic and growth-oriented mindset.

**5. Hypnosis and Meditation:**
- These practices delve into the subconscious, bypassing the vigilant conscious mind. Through hypnosis or deep meditation, suggestions can be planted directly in the subconscious, aiding in behavioral changes and addressing deeply rooted issues.

**6. Emotional Regulation:**
- Conscious control over emotional responses plays a pivotal role. By choosing how we respond to external stimuli, we influence the emotional imprints left on the subconscious. Positive emotional associations foster a healthier subconscious environment.

**7. Gratitude and Positivity:**
- Focusing on gratitude and cultivating positivity consciously shifts the narrative within the subconscious. The conscious acknowledgment of blessings trains the subconscious to recognize abundance over scarcity.

In essence, our conscious mind is the captain steering the ship, and the subconscious is the vast ocean beneath. By treating our subconscious mind with intentionality, we navigate the depths of our beliefs and emotions, ultimately shaping the course of our lives. The conscious and subconscious dance, intricately intertwined, with the potential for profound transformation lying at the intersection of deliberate thought and the vast reservoir of the mind's untapped potential.

Adwitiya Koley

Somatics, inner self healing, spirituality, ADHD, Psychology . Helping you with holistic healing. Follow my blogs to learn how to start your spiritual journey