The 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening: A Beginner’s Guide

Adwitiya Koley
2 min readApr 19, 2023

The spiritual journey is a personal and unique experience that can take many forms. However, many people who embark on this path often experience a similar series of stages known as the five stages of spiritual awakening. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore each of these stages and what they entail.

  1. The Call

The first stage of spiritual awakening is the call. This is when you feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction with your life, and you begin to question the purpose and meaning of your existence. You may feel a pull towards spirituality, but you may not know exactly what that means yet.

2. The Awakening

The second stage is the awakening. This is when you begin to have a deeper understanding of spirituality and its role in your life. You may have a spiritual experience, such as a vision or a moment of clarity, that opens your eyes to a new way of seeing the world. This stage is often marked by a profound sense of peace and inner joy.

3. The Dark Night of the Soul

The third stage is the dark night of the soul. This is when you face your fears and deepest insecurities. You may feel lost, alone, and disconnected from the world around you. This stage can be difficult, but it is an important part of the spiritual journey. It is an opportunity to face your inner demons and come out the other side stronger and more self-aware.

4. The Integration

The fourth stage is the integration. This is when you begin to integrate your spiritual experiences into your daily life. You may start to see the world differently, and you may feel a greater sense of connection to the people and things around you. This stage is marked by a deep sense of gratitude and compassion.

5. The Transcendence

The fifth and final stage is the transcendence. This is when you reach a state of enlightenment or transcendence. You may feel a deep sense of oneness with the universe, and you may experience a profound sense of inner peace and joy. This stage is marked by a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

In conclusion, the spiritual journey is a deeply personal experience that can take many forms. However, by understanding the five stages of spiritual awakening, you can gain a better understanding of where you are on your journey and what to expect in the future. Remember, each stage is important, and each one can lead to greater self-awareness and inner peace. Keep an open mind and an open heart, and enjoy the journey.



Adwitiya Koley

Somatics, inner self healing, spirituality, ADHD, Psychology . Helping you with holistic healing. Follow my blogs to learn how to start your spiritual journey